Contrast. A worship series for Lent based on the epistles.

Lent is a season of contrasts. It begins with the godly sorrow of repentance on Ash Wednesday and ends with the exultant joy of Easter. During midweek Lenten services, churches often read the “passion history” and meditate on Jesus’ suffering and death. Yet the Sundays of Lent are intended to be “little Easters” that give us hope through the Lenten journey. Lent was also, historically, a time when new Christians would study the teachings of the Bible as they prepared for baptism or for becoming confirmed members of the church at Easter time. This Lent season, we will also be learning about our Christian faith by focusing on the Epistle lessons appointed for the season of Lent as we prepare for Easter. Each of the Epistle lessons illuminates a sharp contrast (sometimes multiple contrasts). We will highlight these contrasts of Lent through preaching, teaching, and black and white art for print and screen. See how God reveals the stark contrast between sinful humans and the redeeming God-man, between doing it yourself and trusting in God, between being darkness or being light in the Lord. Get a glimpse of the “old self” and “new self” to see and appreciate the transformation that God has accomplished through Christ. The contrasts are as opposite as death and life. The only one who could accomplish these transformations is the one who humbled himself, so that we could be changed, exalted. We hope that you enjoy sharing these contrasts during Lent this season. We pray that these contrasts highlight who we were on our own and who we are now through Christ.

You can find the Sundays of Lent art package here. Ash Wednesday is here. Click here for Holy Week.

Ash Wednesday -  2 Corinthians 7:8-13a - Godly Sorrow

Lent 1 - Romans 5:12-19 - Contrast of Adam and Christ (or 2 Adams)

Lent 2 - Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 - Contrast of Works and Faith (or 2 kinds of righteousness)

Lent 3 - Ephesians 5:8-14 - Contrast of Darkness and Light

Lent 4 - Romans 8:1-10 - Contrast of Old Self and New Self (or 2 mindsets)

Lent 5 - Romans 8:11-19 - Contrast of Death and Life (2 mindsets continue)

Lent 6 - Philippians 2:5-11 - Contrast of Exaltation and Humility

Maundy Thursday - 1 Corinthians 11:23-28 - Old Covenant and New Covenant 

Good Friday -  Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 - Old Testament Priest and Great High Priest 

Easter Dawn - 1 Corinthians 15:51-57 - Perishable and Imperishable

Easter - Colossians 3:1-4 - Dead and Raised

- Pastor Marques Nelson


Witness. A worship series based on Acts. (Easter Year A)


New Year, New You. A worship series for the season of Epiphany