The Promise. A Worship Series for the Sundays in Advent (Year B)

Advent is a time of promises. In our families, we may end up making promises about family vacations over the Christmas holiday or promises about items on the Christmas gift list. Sadly, promises often get broken. The toy is sold out or too expensive. The family trip can’t happen because of illness. The promise of a “good Christmas” doesn’t seem to hold true. Thankfully, when God makes a promise, he keeps his promises, and his promises do not disappoint. In our worship series for Advent, we will be encouraged by 3 promises from the book of Isaiah. God the Father promised to redeem and protect his children, he promises them comfort and forgiveness, and he promises freedom and joy. On the last Sunday of Advent, we will move forward to the Gospel of Luke to see the greatest promise. The promise of Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ is the answer to every promise God has given us! This promise will not disappoint. 

You can find coordinating art for this worship series here.

You can see a coordinating midweek series, “Children of the Promise,” here.

The Promise

Advent 1 - Isaiah 63:16b,17; 64:1-8. Promise: The Father will Redeem and Forgive His Children

Advent 2 - Isaiah 40:1-11. Promise: Comfort, Comfort

Advent 3 -   Isaiah 61:1-3, 10, 11. Promise: Freedom and Joy

Advent 4 - Luke 1:26-38. Promise: The Promise of Jesus

- Pastor Marques Nelson


Life and Light. A Series for the Season of Christmas


Children of the Promise. An Advent Midweek Series.