Job: Find Peace on an Unpredictable Path

This series was a fun collaboration with Immanuel Lutheran Church, Greenville, WI. The notes by Pastor Jeremy Mattek on the series are the following:

The book of Job includes one of the most well-known portions of the bible, both inside and outside of Christian circles. What is well-known about Job is his suffering, which is why many easily relate to him. Everyone suffers. The suffering of Job gives strong encouragement to anyone who has suddenly found themselves on an unpredictable or difficult path.

What Job loses, however, takes up only a very small portion of the book. When taken as a whole, Job’s 42 chapters offer incredibly rich and comprehensive encouragement, guidance, and perspective that will help anyone successfully navigate their way through any of life’s challenges. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Since the specific losses Job suffers are so well known, it will be tempting to make that the focus of each sermon. While his losses will provide important context for each sermon, it’s important to recognize and stick to the specific focus of each week so that each sermon doesn’t sound like the it’s addressing the same thing. Also be sure to read the daily reading assignments along with the congregation to better address the context each week.

The Series Plan:

·       Week 1: Job: 1:1-19 – Why Bad Things Happen to Good People

·       Week 2: Job 2:6-10, Job 1:4-5 – Dealing with Relationship Pain

·       Week 3: Job 2:11-13 and more – Choosing the Right Friends

·       Week 4: Job 13:20-14:1 – God is in Control

·       Week 5: Job 3:11-25, 7:11-16 – It’s OK to Question God

·       Week 6: Job 31:6-10, 35, 40; 42:6 – God’s Final Answer to Our Pain


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