Summer Old Testament Bible Stories

Summer Old Testament Bible Stories

Remember reading those stories as a kid? Stories like the Tower of Babel, Joshua and the Battle of Jericho, and Jonah and the Fish? They’re not just Sunday School stories for kids. They’re the story of God’s people and God’s sweeping plan of how to rescue them. Whether these stories are familiar or brand new to you, we invite you to join us this summer at St. Paul’s for our new worship series: Bible Stories. We plan on sharing questions to help you dig deeper into these true biblical narratives so that you can see just how rich God’s grace is for you, through the eyes of his Old Testament people. We invite you to read through these stories in their context at home and talk about them with your family and friends leading up to the worship service. - Pastor Nelson

Pentecost - 6/9 - Genesis 11:1-9 - Tower of Babel

Trinity Sunday - 6/16 - Numbers 6:22-27 - Blessed by the LORD

P2 - 6/23 - Joshua 5:13-6:5,20 - Fall of Jericho

P3 - 6/30 - 1 Kings 17:17-24 - Elijah Raises the Widow’s Son

P4 - 7/7 - 2 Chronicles 33:1-6,10-18 - Manasseh Repents

P5 - 7/14 - Genesis 39:6b-12,16-23 - Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife

P6 - 7/21 Jonah 3:3-4:4 - Jonah

P7 - 7/28 - 1 Kings 17:1-16 - Elijah and the Widow at Zarephath

P8 - 8/4 - Deuteronomy 24:17-22 - Care for the Widow and the Fatherless

P9 - 8/11 Genesis 18:1-14 - Abraham and the 3 Visitors

P10 - 8/18 - Genesis 18:20-32 - Abraham Prays for Sodom

P11 - 8/25 - Ecclesiastes 1:2, 2:18-26 - Life is Meaningless Without God

P12 - 9/1 - Genesis 15:1-6 - Number the Stars

The promotional pack is available here. The following Sundays will be posted in the shop as they become available, as individual art packs.


Year A Worship Series Art Packs


"I Am" Series